DONATE TODAY 661-861-8449
Partner with Habitat by donating your time, talent and treasure.
Since 1990, Habitat homeowners in Kern County have financed over 10 million dollars in affordable mortgages. These homeowners had a need for housing and were willing to partner with Habitat to build their own home. We have ten homes in various stages of construction and planning here in Kern County. Partner with Habitat by donating your time, talent and treasure to help build a world where everyone has a safe decent place to live.
Habitat for Humanity Golden Empire is part of a global, nonprofit housing organization. We operate on Christian principles that seek to put God’s love into action by building homes, communities, and hope. Habitat for Humanity Golden Empire is dedicated to eliminating substandard housing locally and worldwide.

This year, Bank of America contributed $3.1 million for the initiative as part of its three-year commitment to Habitat. Bank of America employees will volunteer with more than 100 Habitat organizations in the U.S. and internationally to help build, repair or renovate homes. The company will also support Women Build projects in local communities and help facilitate Bank of America Better Money Habits® program with new Habitat homeowners.

Create a world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Seeking to put God’s love into action, we bring people together to build homes, communities, and hope.

Help us give hand-ups, not hand-outs. Through our programs that create affordable home ownership.
From the beginning, Habitat for Humanity stood up for the conviction that every man, woman, and child should have a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety. We bring people together who share our dream of making decent shelter available, which makes the community a better place to live.